Local investigators in remote locations means undetected surveillance

LINE OF BUSINESS: Investigations
CLIENT INDUSTRY: Energy/natural resource
The client was in a dispute with a former employee they suspected of years-long fraudulent disability claims, and needed an investigator to determine whether or not this was the case. However, the former employee lived in a small, remote town in northern Ontario, which meant that any strangers to the community would have been obvious, and normal surveillance methods weren’t feasible.
We needed a local investigator who was familiar with the region, and could blend in with the local population.. This would allow us to conduct appropriate surveillance in the area without being obvious or causing the subject undue alarm. We also knew that collecting information in this case would need to be spread out over a longer-than-normal timeframe.
We were able to place a licensed investigator into the community who was familiar with the region and established a cover story that allowed him to collect the observations we needed without causing suspicion.
- Our investigator was successfully able to establish the subject’s routine without arousing suspicion
- We were able to provide information on the subject’s physical abilities and financial resources based on direct observation
- The client was able to use the information to prove that the former employee had been fraudulent in his disability claims
- Using a local investigator and good documentation meant that the costs were well-managed for the client