New screening consent requirements from the RCMP

The RCMP has made some changes to the way background checks are conducted

We wanted you to let you know that the RCMP recently announced new rules that will affect the way background checks are conducted in Canada as of January 1, 2018, and how it will affect Profile clients.

THE DETAILS As of January 1, conducting a background check in Canada will require different forms than are currently being used.

Essentially, more specific informed consent from individuals is being required. This means that multiple checks can't be listed on the same form, and that the specific databases being searched will be listed on the forms. The new forms also specify the police departments to whom the forms will be submitted.

HOW WILL THIS AFFECT YOU? If you're using digital ID verification through Profile's online portal, the change will be made automatically - you don't need to worry about it.

(If you're using paper forms instead of digital ID verification, now might be a good time to switch. It's free, it's hosted in Canada, and it's secure.)

If you use paper forms for obtaining consent and submitting to Profile for background checks, you will need new forms to use as of January 1supst/sup (you can use them now too.)  You can download a blank English form here . (This form is only for criminal record checks. Other checks require alternate forms.)  If you need criminal record declaration forms, or French language forms, please contact us at or by phone at 1-866-244-2744.  We’re here to help, and will do everything we can to help you incorporate the new forms into your process.

Please note that the old paper forms will not be accepted after January 1, 2018.

ISN'T THIS KIND OF SHORT NOTICE? We realize that this isn't a lot of lead time, especially at this time of year. However, this wasn't our choice. The RCMP arbitrarily made these changes and initially wanted to implement them within weeks. Our industry partners were able to secure a little more time - but only until January 1, 2018.

NEXT STEPS If you're using digital ID verification through Profile's online portal, you don't have to do anything right now.

If you've been using paper forms, we're here to help. Please call us at 1.866.244.2744 and ask for help with the new Screening Consent Forms, or email us at